Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1 – No Poverty
In Namibia, about 18% of the population lives below the national poverty threshold, while 43.3% face multidimensional poverty, which accounts for various factors including education and quality of life. Poverty is more acute in rural areas, where 59.3% of residents are impoverished, in contrast to 25.3% in urban settings.
In these rural regions, many people depend on subsistence agriculture, which is often hindered by limited access to advanced farming technologies and markets. The reliance on traditional farming methods, combined with environmental issues such as degraded soil fertility and overgrazing, significantly contributes to food insecurity.
CCF Alignment with SDG 1 – No Poverty
Model Farm and Dancing Goat Creamery: These projects provide direct employment and skill development opportunities in sustainable agriculture and livestock management.
Future Farmers of Africa (FFA): This program educates and empowers farmers in Namibia and Somaliland to improve agricultural practices, increase productivity, and reduce human-wildlife conflict, thereby enhancing their livelihoods and economic stability.

Goal 4 – Quality Education and Opportunities for lifelong learning
In Namibia, the overall participation rate in upper secondary education, encompassing general (academic), technical, and vocational training, stands at 88% as of 2023.
CCF Alignment with SDG 4 – Quality Education
School Outreach Programs: CCF conducts outreach programs in schools to provide education about wildlife conservation and sustainable practices. These programs aim to instill a sense of environmental stewardship from an early age, ensuring quality education on ecological issues.
Opportunities for School Groups and Students: CCF provides practical hands-on learning opportunities in conservation activities. These experiences enhance students’ educational journeys and foster strong connections to wildlife conservation.
Vet Training – Student Training and Professional Development: CCF facilitates training programs for students and professionals in fields such as (but not limited to) ecology, conservation, and sustainable agriculture. These programs ensure that participants acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to sustainable development and effective wildlife conservation efforts.

Goal 7- Affordable Clean Energy & Goal 13 – Climate Action
Namibia imports between 40 to 80 percent of its energy from South Africa, which itself faces energy shortages and disruptions. In response, the Namibian government has set a goal for 2030 to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services across the nation.
To support this aim, CCF is dedicated to boosting the proportion of renewable energy sources in Namibia and strengthening international collaboration to improve access to clean energy technologies, including solar and biomass.
CCF Alignment with SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy & SDG 13 – Climate Action
Securing Funding: CCF works with partners in the energy sector and support from the USAID, EU Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation sub-programme and UNIDO as well as individual donors to fund clean energy projects.
Biomass Energy: CCF’s initiatives like Bushblok and SteamBio Africa focus on developing affordable and sustainable energy solutions. These programs convert native overgrown bush into clean energy, thus contributing to the renewable energy mix and ensuring reliable energy access.
Related Research and Partnerships: CCF collaborates with various partners to research and implement sustainable energy technologies. CCF’s Biomass Technology Demonstration Centre is a hub for energy research in Namibia. This facility enhances international cooperation and helps make clean energy research and technology accessible in Namibia.
Educational Outreach Efforts: CCF conducts environmental education initiatives that highlight the importance of climate change mitigation and protecting biodiversity. These programs raise awareness with the cheetah serving as the charismatic inspiration for conserving the arid landscape.
Sustainable Energy Projects: Projects like Bushblok and SteamBio Africa not only provide clean energy but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing renewable resources. These projects align with the goal of achieving significant GHG reductions by 2030.
Habitat Restoration Initiatives: CCF’s habitat restoration efforts promote greater natural carbon sequestration by restoring and maintaining healthy ecosystems all the way down to the soil. CCF’s habitat restoration efforts including room for human activities like livestock farming in a shared use system that recognizes the important role of predators in a healthy landscape.

Goal 15 – Life on Land
Namibia is home to 86 communal conservancies, managed by local residents and highly valued by tourists. These conservancies are pivotal in promoting sustainable development. Residents of conservancy lands are endowed with the rights to responsibly use wildlife, guided by specific regulations and quotas. This arrangement supports benefits from wildlife management and tourism, thereby reducing the motivation to engage in the illegal wildlife trade.
CCF Alignment with SDG 15 – Life on Land
Protect Biodiversity and Natural Habitats: CCF is working to reduce the degradation of natural habitats through its research, education and conservation programs, aiming to halt biodiversity loss and protect threatened species such as the cheetah.
Promote Access to Genetic Resources and Fair Sharing of the Benefits: CCF’s genetics laboratory is the only fully-equipped genetics lab in situ at a conservation facility in Africa. From this facility, CCF collaborates with scientists around the globe. Research not only benefits the cheetah and its ecosystem, but other big cats and predators as well.
Eliminate Poaching and Trafficking of Protected Species: By enhancing surveillance and protection measures, conducting anti-poaching patrols, and working closely with law enforcement agencies, CCF is reducing both the demand and supply of cheetahs taken from the wild for the illicit pet market.
Increase Financial Resources to Conserve and Sustainably Use Ecosystem and Biodiversity: CCF operates a sustainable ecotourism and environmental education centre with a fully operational Model Farm and Dancing Goat Creamery to build livelihoods and gain funds for its conservation projects. CCF mobilizes and increases financial resources through partnerships, grants, and donor funding.

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