International Cheetah Day – 2022
Dec 4, 2022
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An in person celebration will be held at CCF’s International Education and Research Centre in Namibia. Staff will be on hand to deliver lectures on cheetah research, provide screenings for some short films about cheetahs as well as offer special educational programming across the campus. Entrance for Day-visitors will be free of charge!
In 2010, Dr. Laurie Marker, CCF’s Founder and Executive Director, working with the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) designated the 4th December as International Cheetah Day. The annual day was created in remembrance of Khayam, a cheetah Dr. Marker raised from a cub at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon.
Schools, zoos, and individuals around the world join CCF every year to celebrate the species and honor the efforts to save the wild population across its range. Find out more about how you can help and download some cheetah themed education and activities.
Fewer than 7,500 cheetah remain in the wild. Help CCF spread the word and use #SaveTheCheetah on social media for International Cheetah Day on Dec. 4, 2022.
So, what can YOU do to save the cheetah on International Cheetah Day?
One important thing you can do is learn more about the cheetah and its plight. Visit CCF’s website at and where you will find educational resources about the cheetah and its ecosystem. We also have many fun activities that you can download including a Conservation Passport complete with a Certificate of Cheetah Achievement.