Scientific Papers

Some of the publications listed below are available online for information and research purposes. We ask that you observe copyright information. Visit our What We Do section for more information on CCF's programs.
July 1, 2003
Multicentric T-cell lymphoma associated with feline leukemia virus infection in a captive Namibian cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) -
April 1, 2003
Quantifying prey preferences of free-ranging Namibian cheetahs -
April 1, 2003
Conserving cheetahs outside protected areas: an example from Namibian farmlands -
February 6, 2003
Demography of the Namibian cheetah -
February 6, 2003
Aspects of the management of cheetahs trapped on Namibian farmlands -
January 1, 2003
Cheetah survival on Namibian farmlands -
January 1, 2003
Challenges of developing predator conservation education in Namibia -
February 14, 2002
Aspects of Cheetah Biology, Ecology, and Conservation Strategies on Namibian Farmlands -
January 1, 2001
Reducing conflicts between Namibian farmers and cheetahs -
January 1, 2000
Aspects of the ecology of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) on north central Namibian farmlands -
October 23, 1998
Status of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) -
January 1, 1997
Conservation strategies for the long-term survival of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) by the Cheetah Conservation Fund, Windhoek