Combined Federal Campaign

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Program Gives Federal Workers Another Way to Support Our Mission

Cheetah Conservation Fund’s CFC #12164

The CFC makes it easy for government employees to make automatic donations to help support the cheetahs.

  • Request an enrollment form from your HR representative.
  • Select Cheetah Conservation Fund (CFC #12164) on the form.
  • Select the amount and interval at which you would like to donate.
  • Check the box allowing release of your information to CCF so that we can acknowledge your support at the end of the year.

That’s all you have to do—your contributions will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. Not only will you be doubling your contributions during our bi-annual matching campaigns, you’ll be helping CCF all year long.

Automatic giving to CCF through the CFC is an easy and effective way to ensure that we have the necessary, steady funding we need to support our research, education and conservation programs. (If you aren’t eligible to take part in the CFC, become a recurring donor for CCF. It’s another great way to show your support throughout the year.)

The Combined Federal Campaign registration period happens every year during the months of September through January. Don’t delay, select CCF today!

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