Project Wildlife Lecture: Cheetah Conservation
Jan 11, 2020
9:30 am - 11:59 am
- Location: San Diego, California, United States
San Diego Humane Society
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In October 2019 San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus Director, Andy Blue (seen above) went to the breakaway state of Somaliland in the horn of Africa to assist CCF with the care of cheetah cubs confiscated from the illegal pet trade. He brought critical care supplies that were donated by San Diego Humane Society, the San Diego Zoo, and other organizations in the United States. Andy will discuss his experience and the efforts made by the CCF to help protect the cheetah. CCF will have an information table at the lecture.
Up to 300 cubs a year have been illegally taken from the wild and are transported to countries in the Middle East where they are kept as pets. Only one in six cubs survive the journey. In the country of Somaliland, CCF has set up a safe house to care for the confiscated cubs and there are currently 41 cubs in the facility. Special thanks to Bird Rock Coffee Roasters for their generous donation of coffee for this event.
Cost is $10 per person.
Classes are for people only – please leave your great pets at home.