End Cheetah Trafficking – A Celebration of Support
Jun 30, 2021
6:00 pm
- Location: London, United Kingdom
- Venue: Online

This post was broadcasted from Cheetah Conservation Fund United Kingdom.
When we launched our Spring campaign, our goal was to raise £10,000 to help #EndCheetahTrafficking. We have been overwhelmed by your generosity. You have helped us raise an amazing £25,000 – and counting! The extra funds will enable us to significantly increase our reach and impact.
To say a HUGE thank you, we would like to invite you to a celebration event at 6pm on Wednesday 30th June, where you can hear from our Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Laurie Marker and Brian Badger, CCF’s Director of Conservation and Outreach
We will be sharing more about CCF’s work in the field, honouring those who gave to our appeal and took part in our fundraising events, awarding the Race for Cheetahs prizes for those who went the extra mile and announcing the winner of our Art 4 Cheetahs competition
We simply could not have achieved all we have in the last two months if it wasn’t for you. We hope you can make it!
18.00 Housekeeping & introductions
18.05 Welcome and thank you
18.10 Campaign highlights – Big Green Give Appeal, Art4Cheetahs, Race for Cheetahs
18.15 IWT – How your support will make a difference – Dr Laurie Marker
18.25 Q&A with Dr Laurie Marker & CCF team members
18.35 Prize time – Top Racers & Art4Cheetahs awards
18.40 A holistic approach to conservation and why we need your ongoing support
18.55 Wrap up, next steps, close