Cheetah Fit Challenge 2023
Sep 17 - 30, 2023
- Location: Canada / Somaliland
- Venue: Your choice of activity and location

14 Days of Fitness for a Critical Cause: Caring for rescued cheetah cubs from the illegal wildlife/pet trade.
Our goal this year is to raise $35,000 which will feed 8 cheetahs in Somaliland for the next year.
Donations will be doubled – up to $10,000 thanks to our matching sponsors – and sent to CCF Somaliland where the team is caring for 90+ cheetahs rescued from the illegal pet trade.
Earlier this year, the cheetahs were moved from the Safe Houses in Hargeisa to a more natural environment, the new Cheetah Rescue and Conservation Centre, in Geed-Deeble.
How to participate:
Public Registration:
- Register as an Individual, or
- Register as a Team Captain and send your personalized link to friends, family and colleagues to join your team
- Fee: $35 for Adults, $15 for Youth (16 and under) which includes our event t-shirt, and a $20 tax receipt (for Adult registrations only)
Corporate Registration:
- Register a Team Captain who will create a Corporate Team for your organization. Each team can include 10 people in total.
- Fee: $300 which includes 10 T-shirts, and a $150 tax receipt.
Choose any fitness goal to complete during the event:
- You can do something every day, or only once during the two-week period, or any other schedule that works for you!
- You can run, walk, golf, bike, swim, kayak – any activity you choose!
- You can do the activity alone, or you can do it with others – so flexible!
Set a financial goal:
- Ask family, colleagues and friends for donations.
- All donations will be doubled, up to $10,000, thanks to our matching sponsors.
Complete your challenge activity and have fun!
- Download and use our fun cheetah mask (below) and take some great selfies!
- Share your photos, progress and accomplishments on social media using #CheetahFit2023.
New T-shirt Design for 2023:
Register by September 6th in order to receive your t-shirt in time for the Challenge.

Download & Print Your Cheetah Masks Here
We have two sizes available – Adult and Youth – and the instructions are included on the print-out.

Participants’ Photos from 2022
We look forward to creating a new collage for 2023 with all of your ‘action shots’ from this year’s challenge.
Registration will open very soon!
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please send us an email to

Not interested in participating but want to support us?
You can help to combat the illegal wildlife/pet trade by supporting this initiative through a donation – directly to us, or by sponsoring one of our participants.
More About CCF & the Illegal Pet Trade
In 2019, CCF opened a facility in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, to house and care for cheetahs that had been rescued from poachers.
In 2023, CCF relocated the cheetahs from the safe houses in the city to a large, natural reserve (the new Cheetah Rescue and Conservation Centre) in Geed-Deeble, Somaliland.
When the rescued cheetahs arrive at CCF, many are in dire straits and in need of critical emergency care. If they survive the next 48 hours – and many do not – CCF then provides ongoing permanent care. There are presently ~90 cheetahs in residence, with more expected.
All donations received from the Cheetah Fit Challenge 2023 will be used to offset the cheetah care costs at the expanding facility.