Delivering impact, together
By choosing to partner with CCF UK, you’re choosing to make a global and positive impact in supporting cheetah conservation. Together with our partners, we’re helping to save a species from extinction!
“With wild cheetahs being pushed towards extinction, we’re excited to announce our collaboration with CCF UK. We hope to enable CCF to move closer to achieving its vision of a world where cheetahs and people can thrive alongside each other.”
-Maggie Carmels, Founder of Licensed to Charm
Ways to get involved
CCF UK offers your organisation and employees so many engaging, fun and unique ways to get involved. In return for your support, we’ll do all we can to help you achieve your business and CSR goals!

Contact Jason, our Development Director to find out how you can get involved!
Meet our partners

The Rufford Foundation
The Rufford Foundation is supporting one of CCF’s researchers to undertake vital genetics research to investigate the possible origins of cheetahs rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. This will help us understand more about the areas we need to focus our outreach and community conservation efforts.

Veloce Racing
Veloce Racing’s collaboration with Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is central to the racing team’s mandate to raise awareness and funds to combat the shrinking habitats and populations of the most vulnerable species, including the world’s fastest land mammal – the cheetah!

Licensed to Charm
Licensed to Charm support CCF UK through the sale of the most incredible cheetah necklaces. These beautiful pieces have been especially designed and handmade to help us raise awareness and funds.