It’s All in the Family
- by Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada July 14, 2015

We recently heard from a family who are avid cheetah fans, and are doing what they can to help conservation efforts. Paula C. describes her family’s recent activities…
“Both of our daughters are becoming more and more concerned about animals becoming extinct. My youngest daughter, Eliana, is five, and cheetahs are her favourite animal.
She wears cheetah clothing whenever possible, and despite the fact that some of it might actually be leopard print, in her mind, she is wearing cheetah fabrics. When she sees others wearing similar clothing, she always stops to point them out to me as well.
At home, we love to watch videos about cheetahs, do face-painting, and Eliana often gets on all fours pretending to be a pet cheetah.
As a family, we are also reading the beautiful book, “A Future for Cheetahs” that I bought through the CCF website.
Eliana’s kindergarten class at Ponsonby Public School (Guelph, ON) recently read the story How to Be, by Lisa Brown. It’s a simple book that gives instructions on how to be different animals.
To mark their graduation from senior kindergarten, my husband and I wanted to host a party and fundraiser for Eliana and her classmates. We searched for a cheetah related conservation program and came across the Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada website.
After hearing about Rainbow and Aurora, it was clear which program Eliana wanted the money to support. We asked those coming to the party to consider a donation to help support Rainbow and Aurora.
At the end of the party, we were very pleased to find a total of $74.00 in our special cheetah-themed collection box!“
Thank you to Paula, Eliana and her family for sharing their story and enthusiasm for cheetah conservation. We also salute Amy and the graduating class at Ponsonby Public School for making and sharing their terrific video with us!
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