The cheetah, an icon of the African landscape, might disappear in our children’s lifetime. Can you image a world where your grandchildren would never see this majestic and beautiful animal in the wild? How will we tell future generations that we let cheetahs go extinct?

Why leave a gift in your Will?
At Cheetah Conservation Fund UK (CCF-UK) we are dedicated to saving cheetahs in the wild. Our vision is to see a world in which cheetahs live and flourish in coexistence with people, in an environment where they are protected and celebrated.
A gift in your Will, however small or large, will help make this vision a reality, and continue to provide hope for wild cheetah populations for generations to come.
Without our supporters, we could not continue our vital work, championing, and campaigning to rescue, care and protect Africa’s most endangered big cat.
Leaving a gift in your Will to the Cheetah Conservation Fund UK is an incredible way of protecting and conserving wild cheetah populations for future generations. We completely understand that family and friends come first, so we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who feels able to leave such a special gift.

Remembering a Legacy with a Legacy. The story of Chewbaaka.
Chewbaaka was brought to CCF in July of 1995. He was only a few weeks old, starved and close to death. Dr. Laurie Marker nursed the little cub to health, and the bond between them grew stronger and stronger as the years passed.
Chewbaaka became a constant companion to Dr. Laurie Marker as they educated farmers and school learners and the people of Namibia about the plight of the cheetah. People who met Chewbaaka did not easily forget him. Seeing a cheetah in a positive and educational interaction, was often just the catalyst needed to change the hearts of those who feared the cheetah as a potential threat to their livelihood. Farmers who used to shoot cheetahs on sight began to lay down their weapons and work to help save them.
Chewbaaka’s ability to connect with humans in such a way that they wanted to learn more was uncanny. Over time, Chewbaaka has become a touchstone, a tangible symbol of CCF’s vision of a world where humans and cheetahs can thrive together. That’s why we choose to remember him and have named our legacy giving fund in his honour.

FREE Will writing service
Whether you have an existing Will or are looking to write a new Will, we are pleased to offer our loyal supporters access to our FREE Will writing service, though Make a Will Online, who will provide you with a quick and easy online process, trusted by many and with every document checked by a solicitor.
You can take action now, knowing your wishes will be carried out, and your values will continue through us. Gifts in wills help us to thrive and transform the charity.
Make a Will Online
Make a Will Online provide a solicitor checked will service. Complete your will in 3 easy steps and turn your intentions to leave a gift into a reality. You can go to Make a Will Online to get a solicitor checked will today. You can also protect your will with Capacity Vault for free, the best way to protect your will from challenge.
Make a will face to face
If you have a large estate above the inheritance tax threshold, or if you would rather complete your will face to face, or if you have a complex estate take steps to do this. Whichever way you choose to complete your will it’s your choice. Please note, the face-to-face service is not covered as part of the FREE Will writing service.
The details your solicitors needs are: (1) our name: The Cheetah Conservation Fund UK, our registered charity number: 1193293 and our registered address: C/O 46 Abbot’s Ride, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8HZ
When you use this free service Make a Will will inform us of the gift in will made and the amount left, without personal details. You can also choose to add your personal details by ticking the appropriate box on completion.
However you give – we are always incredibly grateful!

By including CCF in your Will, you will be supporting vital conservation efforts and a set of programs that are proven effective.
Previous legacies left to CCF have funded both our Livestock Guarding Dog program helping to dramatically reduce human-wildlife conflict and our Cheetah Conservation & Research Centre which cares for countless cheetahs ruthlessly taken from the wild to meet the demands of the illegal wildlife trade.
In short, a gift in your Will takes us further and faster in our race to save the cheetah from extinction, and we thank you.