Living with Cheetahs
- by 3 August 2023

Over the past 50 years, cheetahs have become extinct in at least 13 African countries. Across Africa, their numbers have plummeted from 100,000 at the turn of the 20th century, to less than 7,100 today (a loss of 93%). Their homeland, for which they rely on for food, shelter, and breeding, has reduced by 91% of its historic range. Wild cheetahs are faced with extinction and only through co-existence with humans can we secure their future.
With cheetahs and humans now living in close proximity, conflict is inevitable. CCF’s vision is to see a world in which cheetahs live and flourish in coexistence with people within a sustainable system.

Our fight to save wild cheetahs
To protect wild cheetahs and mitigate human wildlife conflict, CCF initiated the Future Farmers of Africa programme, working with farmers and communities to investigate, develop, and implement predator-friendly livestock and wildlife management techniques. And over the years we have implemented multiple areas of work that have benefited both humans and wildlife.

Thanks to you
Our conflict mitigation work, funded by you, has turned the tide for the wild cheetah populations. But we now need your help to save even more cheetahs.
Your support and generosity will enable us to broaden our conservation efforts to safeguard further cheetah populations where human-wildlife conflict exists.
Here’s how your donation could make a difference:
- £10 will help answer 5 calls to the Farmer Carnivore Hotline
- £20 will fund a promotion of FFA and our Model Farm to new communities and help promote predator-friendly livestock management solutions
- £50 will pay for materials to support our community outreach programme, enabling us to reach and educate even more communities, schools and farmers
- £100 will provide a vital training session for pastoral farmers to help mitigate conflict in newly identified conflict hotspot areas
- £500 will fund a Livestock Guarding dog for a whole year – this is vital as we expand into new conservancies

Related Reading
6 February 2025
2025 Rewilding Campaign: Bringing Cheetahs Back to the Wild