CCF in Somaliland

Emergency Supplies are Replenished at CCF Somaliland

  • by Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada July 23, 2023
Emergency Supplies are Replenished at CCF Somaliland

It is like Christmas in July for Dr. Ann Fan, Christiana and Ana at CCF Somaliland! Late last year, we raised more than $4,000 CAD to purchase emergency medical supplies needed to care for the rescued cheetah cubs.

With those funds, the team was able to purchase a new autoclave (used for sterilization of instruments), an IV pole and many other supplies. Thanks once again to our generous donors who answered our call for help.

Dr. Ann Fan with Ana and Christiana - unpacking the new supplies - donation in-kind
Autoclave (left), various tubes and medications (middle), new IV pole (right)

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